Representation of Mexican spirits producer in dispute with investors.
Representation of Canadian investors in dispute with U.S. recruiting company.
Representation of various foreign nationals in 28 U.S.C. 1782 proceedings for discovery in aid of foreign proceedings.
Representation of Canadian maritime technology company in contract dispute.
Representation of Latin American cell tower conglomerate in ICDR arbitration concerning partnership dispute
Representation of UK resident in libel dispute arising out of Cayman Islands action to enforce Swiss judgment.
Representation of hotelier in federal litigation over breach of joint venture agreement with Chinese partner.
Representation of Kuwaiti aircraft company in dispute with Delaware bank.
As the senior attorney for the Latin America business unit at Sony Interactive Entertainment (formerly SCEA), Michael managed all litigation matters; developed PlayStation®‘s brand protection and anti-piracy program; orchestrated the restructuring of regional licensing and distribution of PlayStation® hardware and software; and facilitated the roll-out of the PlayStation Network® in Latin America